Scientific Director
Stefania Achella
Giuseppe Cantillo
Francesco Miano
International Scientific Board
Mariafilomena Anzalone (Università della Basilicata)
Pio Colonnello (Università della Calabria)
Marco Deodati (Università Tor Vergata)
Anna Donise (Università di Napoli)
Kazuteru Fukui (Kawasaki University, Japan)
Antonello Giugliano (Università di Napoli)
Anton Hügli (Università di Basilea)
Lars Lambrecht (Università di Hamburg)
Roberta Lanfredini (Università di Firenze)
Boško Pešić (University of Osijek, Croazia)
Kurt Salamun (Università di Graz)
Reinhard Schulz (Università di Oldenburg)
Giovanni Stanghellini (Università di Chieti-Pescara)
Stefania Tarantino (Università L’Orientale di Napoli)
Steffen Wagner (Università di Napoli)
Gregor y J. Walters (Saint Paul University, Canada)
Helmut Wautischer (Sonoma State University, USA)
Scientific Manager
Elena Paola Carola Alessiato
Editor in chief
Diego Giordano
Università di Napoli Federico II
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Sezione di Filosofia
Via Porta di Massa, 1
80133 Napoli (NA) – Italy
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ISBN paper: 978-99-9314
ISSN print: 2283-575X
The Studi Jaspersiani Journal is a yearly pubblication of the Italian Karl Jaspers Society. Founded in 2012 and published by Orthotes Press, its goal is to contribute to revitalising and circulating the philosopher’s work and the cultural milieu in which his thought is collocated, as well as the developments he promoted. In recent years, growing interest has been developing around the thought of Karl Jaspers, not only in Italy but all over the world (see the affluent number of studies in North America and Asia). Thus, this Journal is the fledgling result of a clearly international interest and calling, setting out to establish a dialogue amongst eminent scholars, but also young Italian, German, Swiss, Austrian, French, American and Japanese researchers. This project is not only certified by a qualified International Scientific Committee of the Journal, but also by the presence of incoming papers from all around Europe, highlighting the capability of Jaspersian thought in opening communication channels amongst different traditions and schools. Graduate theses, PhD theses, as well as various publications and translations dedicated yearly to Jaspersian thought, not only in Philosophy, but also Law, History, Pedagogy, Psychopathology, Political Science – all of these attest to the interdisciplinary value of Jaspersian thought. This justifies the choice of dedicating the Journal to a different theme every year, inviting specialists from different field to discuss topics which have had interesting impacts on other sectors: think of the relationship between phenomenology and psychopathology, the issues of guilt in a political context, the legal implications of the atomic bomb analysis, up to institutional issues regarding the role of universities, in addition to concepts such as ‘axial age’ which has caught the attention of historians, paleontologists and philosophers.
Another focus point of the Studi jaspersiani Journal is the renewed comparison with the most difficult years of European history, from the two wars to the devastating political, moral and human catastrophe of Nazi violence, to the post second world war European pacification. From this point of view, Jaspers becomes a pretext for going over the events that have brought us directly to our day and age, analysing and drawing comparisons with the entire western civilisation: from Aristotle, Plato, Augustine and Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche and Heidegger. This rivitalised past is, nevertheless, channeled towards developments which have been key to the subsequent history of the twentieth century, in eminent personalities like Hannah Arendt and Jeanne Hersch, philosophers and pupils of Karl Jaspers.
In each number, the Journal invites prominent academics to a thematic debate and then, through a call for papers, opens up to the participation of young scholars who can offer an innovative and original outlook on the author. In addition to Jaspersian translations and publications, each number contains references to the current state of the publications of the issue regarding the Karl-Jaspers-Gesamtausgabe (KJG) [side note edition of the complete works of Karl Jaspers], so as to provide a valuable service to Italian researchers. This activity is promoted by the Akademie der Wissenschaft of Heidelberg and Goettingen.
The Studi jaspersiani Journal is oriented towards detailed historical and philological research, theoretical research, interdisciplinary and intercultural dialogue stemming from Karl Jaspers‘ contribution. His considerations are controversial and sometimes irregular; it is for this very reason that they continue to project themselves onto our present day and age.